Method: SetOutputArtBox


Specifies the placement and size of the art box for the output file.

Note: For information about PDF boxes, see the topic Defining PDF Box Boundaries.


object.SetOutputArtBox(lowerLeftX, lowerLeftY, upperRightX, upperRightY, PageNr);


Data Type



float lowerLeftX

The horizontal position of the lower-left corner for the box. Uses the PDF Coordinate System.

float lowerLeftY

The vertical position of the lower-left corner for the box. Uses the PDF Coordinate System.

float upperRightX

The horizontal position of the upper-right corner for the box. Uses the PDF Coordinate System.

float upperRightY

The vertical position of the upper-right corner for the box. Uses the PDF Coordinate System.

long PageNr


0 or no setting = The box is defined on all pages.

1 or greater = The box is defined on the specified page number.